November 2023 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd November 2023 at The Ruby Hunt Centre.

Present Cllrs Lovell, Burdall, Harris, Hawkins, Geaney, King, Lunn, Slater, Walsh, and Wray.  Clerk Diane Fairweather

P Fleming – complaint of Hunter Way.  Hedging has been left too long and he feels an absolute mess.  He suggests wasn’t cut back properly the first time and is causing people not to use the footpath because of this.  He has himself cut vegetation back at times.  Should have been cut back to the edge of the path.  PC to look, but feels it is not as bad as being reported.  Cllr Wray asked if flailing would work for sides.
Antoinette – Can the garden in the Market Place to be planted in time for Christmas as plants there have died.  If plants had been watered this problem would not have arisen. Cllr Burdall advised that local businesses had not been asked to look after it. Cllr Lovell advised will not be a problem in the future as he has put in place water harvesting equipment at the side of the Eye Care wall for use by all.  Cllr Walsh felt that whatever was planted would be destroy by the youth.  Even wood chippings would be thrown around.  No action at this moment in time.
JP – MFBHH – please return raffle tickets back. 
Update – local press on board. Good response from people prepared to be involved on the day.  
Plenty of volunteers come forward to help in preparations.  Perhaps the cemetery committee could organise these volunteers to assist in clearing the churchyard.
Grave has now been dug and is secure for safety.  Speaking with Police.  Suggestion that an area off Park Lane could be used for parking.  Would require marshall’s.
Going forward, Heritage facility and others.  They are taking the lead and South Holland and Lincolnshire County Council wanting to be involved, with varying other organisations.
After the presentation Cllr Burdall had suggested putting on refreshments, after the service, for the attendees, not able to be in the Church, perhaps in a marquee on the school field or IDEA park.  Clerk had approached JP and asked and if the PC are willing to do this, they should write to the committee suggesting their intentions to see if it was agreeable.  Cllr Burdall felt it was important for the Parish Council to support this.  Chair suggests Cllr Burdall puts together idea and bring back to the next meeting.  Cllr Hawkins felt a specialist subject and should meet with this item as one agenda item to discuss further.
Cllr Wray feels the PC are possibly in a better position to deal with this going forward for the future.
Council to organise an EOM to discuss ideas.

Answer from Police to request of little support for Donington.

I have looked at the Lincolnshire Police and Police UK website. The current details appear correct (last updated 6th Oct 2023). The crime figures are taken directly from the figures provided to the Home Office. If you feel there is an error or discrepancy, please let me know. 
Under the restructure of Neighbourhood Policing in Lincolnshire the North Rural area, in which Donington, is in, it no longer has any Police Community Support Officers assigned. The area is covered by a Beat Manager – PC Laura Richardson. In addition to this there are local response and patrol officers based at Spalding and Holbeach who are assigned to respond to live incidents and patrol within the South Holland area. These officers are on shifts which provide cover 365 days a year 24 hours a day. 
I would ask that any crime and/or anti-social behaviour (ASB) is reported to Police, by reporting the crime and ASB it enables us to build a picture of where and how local crime is being committed. This means that we can use our resources more effectively to prevent crime in the future. If any residents wish to provide any feedback, please contact us with comments or suggestions on how we can improve our service, by letter to Spalding Police Station.

Council agreed this did not actually answer one of the questions regarding the crime with the tractor.
Police are asking for your say on the future of policing in Lincolnshire.
PCC Marc Jones has launched his annual survey to hear Lincolnshire's views. By taking part, you can play a key role in shaping the PCC’s council tax and spending plans.

Vandalism behind hairdressers in Church Street which has been reported to Police by both business owner and the renting agents.  Children causing fires and suspicion of drugs in area.  Doing everything but Police do not help.

HGV sign for Towndam Lane erected.  Cllr Harris commented on it having an effect.
Church Street - double yellow line.  An order must be requested to go for consultation.
Refuge on A52, consultation has gone out, awaiting responses.
HGV’s parking on A52 outside new Co-Op.  Not illegal so unfortunately can do nothing.

Automatic doors for toilets are being done coming week.  Men’s has been completed already. Electrics scheduled for next couple of weeks.  Cllr Lovell updated; he had been to visit work men.  Very helpful, investigated electrically wiring and now had confirmation they were legal (not if installed at this present time but when they were)
New litter bin outside of Budgens.  Seems to be having the desired effect.

104/23 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Cllr Stanley


106/23 TO RECEIVE DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.  Proposed Cllr King seconded Cllr Burdall.

Chair commented on the disabled space.  It had been proposed and passed, not just discussed that the sign should be put in place.  This had been at no cost to the PC.  Cllr Lovell advised he had a template to mark the ground if that is what the PC required.  It wasn’t felt that the area could be designated a blue badge area due to the criteria required which could be investigated.  It was felt this could be a safe space for people having difficulty in walking to the Chemist or shops.  It was a courtesy sign which was hoped to have been respected by fellow drivers but hadn’t been as there had been a car park there for many days.  Without Policing it would never work. 
Cllr Burdall requesting where we were going with the disabled space.  Cllr Lovell advised he had made this template and was prepared to mark the area.  Not sufficient area for disabled as they require room to open door.  Cllr Burdall agreed in the disabled spot but if it is to be done, it is to be done properly, and paint the yellow box at the same time.  Cllr Lovell commented it would lose a parking space. Cllr Lunn proposed it is done, properly.  Cllr Lovell asked if the sign should be removed and the disabled space lost. Council agreed to have a space but to have it done to legal requirements.  Cllr Walsh proposed to remove sign and bring to the next meeting with details on doing it legally.  Seconded Cllr Burdall.  Cllr Geaney made a counter proposal to move the lines to the right which would then give additional space for disabled parking. Cllr Geaney retracted his counter proposal. Requires to be done legally. Agreed sign to be removed.  Cllr Lunn suggested it should be done imminently to avoid confusion.
Trail board is completed, just awaiting being fixed on stakes, having problems.  I advised if there was an issue PC would replace.
Chair also mentioned the machine used for taping of meetings had been purchased by the Chair for his own use.  He had lent to PC for use and if it was felt a good idea the PC should purchase one.
Gents’ new toilet door on.
Emails all happy with
Couple of comments from Chair at previous meeting.  Resignation of Cllr Slater, Chair should not have nominated himself to cemetery committee.  Chair resigned in anticipation of the co-option being available.
Christmas trees are not the responsibility of the PC.  Christmas Market is run by the Market group.  It is not public money so funds can be spent how and when.

Water harvesting system in situ at Optician.  Also sorted irrigation system at Bloom.  Thanks to Cllr Harris for assistance.  Proposed that Bloom money previously passed back to Council can be available.
Chair also asking again if we owned the toilets.  Cllr King advised it has been stated at the last meeting. Cllr Lovell felt the Council had not had confirmation of this and could not carry on work unless they are owned by PC.
Minuted, confirmation that the Parish Council do own the toilets.

AGM the following week.  Fireworks hopefully should escape the rain.  Cllr Walsh asking if risk assessment had been carried out and are the public sufficiently distanced from firework area.
Newsletter – original lady that was going to continue has withdrawn her offer.  One of the reasons for lack of income.
Cllr Wray suggested if volunteers from JP’s group that may be able to help.
Litter picker had made comments of ridiculous amount of rubbish in Flinders Park. Recorded on CCTV.  Cllr King will take footage into High School to see if they can be identified.

Meeting of committee with Firths to witness damaged memorials.
a)    To Approve Final Tender Document. Cllr King, Cllr Wray
Included had been a cutting regime.  Basically, if we are not happy with condition of areas, we have the option to amend the contract accordingly.
Dated as a two-year contract.  Clerk to advertise in local papers, proposed Cllr Walsh seconded Cllr Lovell also social media together with forwarding to local businesses.

Council payments authorised as per schedule.
Prop Cllr King seconded Cllr Hawkins.

a)    To Arrange Finance Meeting Burdall, Harris Lunn Walsh – before that I would like to arrange a HR meeting Geaney, Hawkins & Harris
HR - Tuesday 14th November 1pm in library
Finance – 4th December, time to be arranged.

H04-0686-23 proposed barn conversion Red House Farm, Wykes Lane
H04-0902-23 Dave Cook Engineering 7 dwellings, 
H04-0900-23 tree works Station Road, have TPO’s.

PL – update from fishing club.  75 members now, having raised £17000 this year, from events held.
Post proposed for Marketplace wall.  Cllr Lovell had met with an ex-BT engineer and plotted services in the areas, showing none in the area where post is to be placed.  Cllr Harris advised that should post be erected checks will still be required.
NB -Request from fish van, can he park in Marketplace on Tuesday afternoon to sell fish.  One attends Ruby Hunt, clerk to contact him. See how it works.
GBSG cameras to be removed from Vanity Fayre.

Co-Option – can notification be on Facebook. Wasn’t clear to Councillors procedure and there had been misunderstanding of how names had been passed to clerk. Cllr Lovell felt this had been inferring his actions and confirmed everything had been done within the letter of the law. Council agreed.
Would Parish Council object if shop owners put flowers in Marketplace ourselves.  No objections. 
GL – Park Lane, cars speeding.  Cllr King mentioned to Highways.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 7th December 2023