June 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th June 2024 at The Ruby Hunt Centre.
Present Cllrs Rollinson, Burdall, Harris, Hawkins, Geaney, King, Lovell, Lunn, Stanley, Walsh and Wray. Clerk Diane Fairweather and eight members of the public.
Chairman advised Vince Crunkhorn, a well-known resident and ex-employee of the Parish Council, had died and asked for all to be upstanding for a minute’s silence. As the family had requested no flowers a donation to be made to the Charity of his wishes. All agreed.
Chairman gave leave for the public to speak during the two agenda items of Matthew Flinders and Community Speed watch.,
Bridge End Causeway, edge damage is to be done, Holy Rood Close, repairing give way sign. Access road off Bicker Road, give way sign being repaired. Highfield Road, Washdyke Lane and School Lane in process of potholes. Gulleys in Days Lane, Northorpe Road and on A52 are on job list to do. Chairman asked if they could possibly be done in time for Matthew Flinders day as that is a walkway for people. Cllr King said hopefully as LCC are aware of event.
Ward walk arranged for 11th June so if there is anything to be mentioned please inform Clerk.
Nothing to report for the Donington area.
74/24 Advise everyone the meeting is being recorded.
75/24 APOLOGIES none
Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes, following an amendment to the Cowley Foundation representatives. Proposed Cllr King seconded Cllr Stanley.
Toilet furniture being fitted Saturday
Trees originally purchased for Flinders Park – are still at the nursery ready for collection or can be delivered when passing. Cllr Lovell willing to plant in old cemetery if Clerk arranges for delivery.
Clerk to ask if any villagers would be able to renovate the village notice board.
Painting of the blue furniture in the village has been arranged.
Chairman asked for an update on pond overflow. Cllrs Lovell and Harris called but can no longer see clearly.
There is a small sluice in there, but the other side of the road rubbish has been dumped. It requires boring, to alleviate digging the road. Can be seen where it should be.
Barnsdale had been aware previously and were prepared to do the work, but it has not been done. Possibly new owners now. Cllr Harris is to meet the new owners and will speak regarding this.
Contractors are being successful in catching the rats at the pond.
Member of public having attended Community Speed Watch training together with 15 other people gave presentation on what was involved and what they were asking of the Parish Council. Document of facts given to Council prior to meeting. Various roads in the village were recommended for surveys. The group had put together a list of roads but asked if there were any other the Council would like monitoring. Park Lane and Northorpe Road was added to their list.
There is a choice of two differing guns, one that just displays speed for attendees to note with registration numbers of car and what which had a memory. Hi viz jackets are required and counter units. Cost of £495.79 or £775.79. Council agreed to support the group and Chairman thanked resident for organising things so far.
Cllr Stanley asking if any power for parking i.e. at school. This is initially primarily speeding but could investigate perhaps in the future.
Cllr Walsh asked if they were required to have liability insurance. This again is what they were asking of the Parish Council as CSW must be a group with constitutions etc or are usually under the umbrella of Parish Councils.
Cllr Wray asked how important the records are to keep. Elizabeth advised that although no details of the vehicles are recorded it produces a picture of speeding traffic in the area and would support a request to Highways for a reduction of speed limits.
Cllr Wray felt it a good idea and proposed the purchase of the better gun, seconded Cllr Hawkins. All in favour. Chairman thanked Elizabeth for her initial interest and wished the group luck in their pursuits.
Dist Cllr Geaney suggested if funding is required that the group approach the District Councillors for funding from their budgets. This could not obviously be done until after the elections.
List previously distributed to Councillors of names that had already been submitted to Planning together with new suggestions. Cllr Stanley proposed C E Taylor, a previous Head of the Secondary School. Although Hammond is on the list he was always known as Tuffy and perhaps that could be used. Any new developments should have a connection to Matthew Flinders.
Names to added: Ruby Hunt, Wray, Arnhem, and Flinders.
Chairman suggested naming of street should be suggested at Planning stage.
Cllr Lovell reporting that Hunters Way is in a poor state. Very overgrown, one resident in Church View Close throwing rubbish over the fence.
Maintained until Covid and the retirement of the previous contractor but has not had attention.
Full of briers and the pathway is significantly reduced due to overgrown shrubs.
Cllr Walsh suggested this requires someone to keep the area clean as an ongoing project.
Requires significant work now and a proper maintenance contract going forward.
Complaint received from resident of Church View Church for overgrown shrubbery and brambles. Clerk to request contractors to look at for Council.
a) Allotments – nothing to report
b) Cemetery – Cllr Wray has spoken with contractors particularly with regard to the lead up to Matthew Flinders weekend. To cut weekly, obviously incurring additional costs. Old cemetery will require attention within the week.
Alan Grimer had donated barrels which had been filled by bloom and decorate the path edges of the new cemetery. Trees from old part of churchyard have been removed in readiness for the replanting of the new ones.
Hedge at new cemetery. Cllr Lovell suggests the hedge requires attention. Chairman to look. Moles are apparent again in churchyard. Cllr Stanley to speak with her son.
c) Finance –Eon questioned for toilets, was on an estimated reading. Electricity has been switched off since toilets had been closed. Clerk has given a reading. Cllr Walsh proposed approval of payments. Seconded Cllr Hawkins.
d) Human Resources – nothing to report
e) IDEA – summer fayre, weather was fine and well supported and a good atmosphere. £235 profit.
PCSO had attended as there had been vandalism in park, camera caught images. Culprits known and further action to be taken. None at present.
Large area of the flooring cut out by vandals. Contractors attending to install new equipment so will ask if any remedial works can be done with flooring. Gate locks broken again.
Wood forced in between sections of the pergola. Cameras require reangling.
f) Library – Having a small exhibition for Matthews Flinders on the Saturday.
Litter bin required and possibly CCTV, the group that had been meeting behind the Market Place are now frequenting the library garden.
Asset transfer – Cllr King and Clerk awaiting date for another ZOOM meeting with LCC.
g) Matthew Flinders Picnic in The Park – joint meeting with MFBHH. Letters to residents to advise of road closures and alternative parking areas.
Boat race unfortunately had not had a great input of applicants so looking into whether to hold it or not or at least not in the manner it was originally thought. Chairman asked if Secondary School on board. Unfortunately, not having success with communications. Cllrs King to speak and request feedback.
Asking shops to decorate windows for the weekend and award the best dressed.
Also asking if residents would like to decorate their gardens and make a competition of that.
Need to get the word out to the public for the day.
MFBHH – JP requesting again if contractors are going to cut regularly as previously mentioned. Walk throughs with various parties has taken place.
Everything in place.
Cllr Wray felt the Parish Council should have a photographer floating taking pictures of the event for future reference. JP advised they have a drone and a photographer which will be doing the park as well as their event and they are to make a film afterwards.
h) Planning – nothing this month.
i) Red Cow Paddock – Cllrs Harris and Lovell inspected area. No further vandalism.
Bicker Fen BESS – details to be released of first consultation dates and venues.
NB – retrieved the silicone seal from around the trail noticeboard. 4 youths, two in uniform. Cllr Burdall to ask Barnsdales if they can replace.
PL – A resident thanking PC for cutting the first part of the footpath from. the old cemetery to Northorpe, but from the bridge to the old cemetery grass is waist high and requires attention. Footpath from Barnsdale to Church Lane is nearly impassable. Resident requesting if sleepers can be sourced, at her expense, for around the Donington signs as the existing ones are rotten. Parish Council has no objections.
Flinders signs require clearing as they are covered by overhanging trees. Chair will look.
Church Street, either water or sewage leak which is causing significant smells. Anglian water saying it is not their responsibility. Resident advised it is not water, it smells of ammonia.
Cllr King has already reported it to Highways. To speak with Environmental too.
GL – Can more temporary bins be around for Matthew Flinders. Cllr King already had organised 5. Enquiry to what was Station Road called before the Station. West Street.
JS - handing over £100 from latest Market, asking where these monies are. Clerk advised it is in the Christmas funds. Cllr Lovell felt some of the monies should be used for the maintenance of the market place. All agreed.
SW – Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind Community Link Liaison Committee. Cllr Walsh represented Donington when District Councillor. It is to continue but may not include Donington now. Cllr Walsh volunteering to attend the first official meeting to see if Donington is still part of the area involved and if there could be financial benefits for the village.
Although nothing to be taken in committee Chairman asked if Councillors could remain behind.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 4th July 2024