January 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 3rd January 2019 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Hawkins, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Stanley and Wray. County Councillor Grocock, 2 members of the public and a press representative.
Margaret Wright from Flinders Founders and Charlie Mann, their new Chair firstly thanked the Parish Council for their continued support, then to give an update on the ditch at the Teen Park. The Ashwood Homes site Manager has been very helpful, the contractors are, as they promised, to make are good and will put a low wooden fence at the edge. Having secured funding to purchase a new container for equipment the contractors even supplied and laid concrete slabs as a base. Council agreed a good result.
1/19 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun King, Lovell and Rollinson
2/19 POLICE REPORT – ntr
3/19 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Hawkins seconded Coun Stanley.
4/19 MATTERS ARISING – Matthew Flinders – John Flinders advised he would pass correspondence on to the nearest relative.
Towndam Lane – disappointing reply received. Planning feel the development is acceptable. Coun Grocock to continue discussions at the next meeting.
Clerk now has passive speeding signs to be erected. Spoken with Community Foundation and the Triton Knoll funding could be accessible for reactive signs.
5/19 IDEA- Talking with South Holland regarding Section 106
Secured further funding to repair damage around children’s play area.
Park Inspection due 4th June
6/19a Old Cemetery - fine. Car still parking there, can we ask Highways if yellow lines can be out down.
6/19b New Cemetery – fine. Clerk to ascertain if prices will remain the same for the coming year.
6/19c Finance - £42307.26
Council Payment Authorised as per schedule, proposed Coun Robinson seconded Council Stanley. Although comments favourable comments had been made regarding the Christmas trees, perhaps artificial trees could be sourced for the future to alleviate annual costs for a few years.
To Approve Precept
Coun Wray, Chair of Finance Committee presented recommendations for a £4,000 increase in the precept. Current spending had been in line with the budget, but there is the unexpected cost of the coming election, £2154 for the one this year and we have to share the costs of the District Election too. There are only 2 cameras on the CCTV working, a new one costing £1500. Coun Hawkins advised Flinders Park cannot always rely on volunteers. The Parish Council cannot take for granted that they may not be required for financial assistance in the future. That being said Coun Wray advised that future requests could be requested as with other organisations. After discussion it was proposed by Coun Wray the precept be £28,000 this year seconded Coun Marshall. All in agreement.
6/19d Planning Applications Received
None received this month
6/19e Allotments – wet.
6/19f Library – Clerk to meet with a co-ordinators to reconcile inventory, as purchases had been made and the annual insurance is due in January.
Reply received from Chemist regarding removal of blue bollard and erecting a folding one for use of the pharmacist. They didn’t feel a car should be parked on a foot way and it would take away the loading area. They would prefer to be issued with one permit to be allowed to park all day. Council agreed this would set a precedent. They had offered a solution which was not acceptable to the Chemist and nothing further would be done.
Coun Almond – asking for guidance for social media, the Councillors felt she be more knowledgeable and she confirmed she would bring ideas to next meeting.
Coun Lunn – lorry permanently parking in Station and causing obstructions.
Water hydrant blocked at park, speaking with Stephen Wright.
Coun Hawkins – can anything be done regarding the speeding in the village. The A52 also has problems, particularly the Northorpe junction and children and parents crossing it. Can a central reservation be installed? Coun Almond reiterated this was on her election manifesto and was hoping to approach Viking Link as and when funding would be available. Coun Grocock confirmed funding for Highways was a problem for many of the parishes and districts in the area.
Once again lorries parking on double yellow line at Co-op, can Police do something as is causes vision impairment?
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 7th February 2019