June 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th June 2019 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Burdall, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Robinson, Stanley and Wray.
Jane Pearson – as Parish Council were responsible for the churchyard now, would there be any objections to installing a bollard at the footpath to try and reduce access. This being requested due to the amount of lead thefts from churches in the County. No objections. For information, thanks to an anonymous donation the cockerel and ball on the spire to the church is to be removed, cleaned, reguild and replaced. It is 70 years since it has been done. There will be a small ceremony before cockerel is replace on 20th June at 11 a.m. to which the Parish Council are invited.
MFBHH – public meeting very well supported with a range of varying personnel. There was an appeal from the descendants to approach Bishop of London which was to be arranged by Bishop of Lincoln.
Mr Fleming – speculation of yet more development work in the village. What is the PC going to do about the infrastructure with drainage and health and safety issues? He feels it will become a commuter village with no facilities. PC agrees with comments and reiterates their concerns to planning on all development applications but these applications all fall within the Local Plan that was adopted in March. The unfortunate fact is the amount of houses expected to be built in Donington before 2036 has almost been reached. Coun Lovell confirmed that central Government are wanting to reduce the carbon footprint but this will not be done in Donington as the schools are full, and residents have to travel for Doctors, dentist etc.
54/19 APOLOGIES - none
55/19 POLICE REPORT – none received.
57/19 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Wray seconded Coun Stanley.
Businesses now advised implementation of parking restrictions is commencing.
Awaiting date from GH Security for installation date of new CCTV. Electricity usage is minimal but can do a check when installed.
Coun King spoken with Planning regarding the naming of street for all the new developments. Agreed if Parish Council would like to make suggestions and why, they would be looked at favourable.
Suggestions therefore to clerk please.
Northorpe junction parking – Coun Almond had spoken with owner who was unaware of the obstruction his vehicle was causing.
Facebook – not much further on but Coun Almond asked if Coun Burdall would like to assist monitoring the group, who agreed.
Public impressed how group is progressing. Finances small at moment. The commemorative meal at the Ruby Hint Centre is to be attended by the descendants of Matthew Flinders.
The group has received many letters of support for future grant applications. A leaflet has been produced and is in the library and local shops.
Due to personal aspect, resolve to remove press and public. Two applications received. Silent ballot. Not unanimous but majority for Jackie Abbott. Proposed Coun Lovell second Coun Almond to co-opt Mrs Abbott.
Expecting a quotation from contractor but nothing received. Suggested to contact a local company to see if they could/would be able to make good the surface.
62/19 TO DISCUSS RED COW LOCK UP (to be taken in committee)
63/19 IDEA
Summer Fayre well supported but rain brought it to an early end. Approx. £400 profit.
No silver band this year but could £100 donation precepted be given to the Boston Ukulele Band. Can new details of new Councillors be given for the Doningtonian magazine?
64/19a Old Cemetery - neat and tidy. Coun Baldwin advised the seat, previously donated for the site of the Royal British Legion had been repaired and was to be secured in the cemetery in due course.
64/19b New Cemetery – neat and tidy. Comments of rubbish being thrown into the Vicarage garden.
64/19c Finance - £59464.07
Council payments authorised as per schedule
Prop Coun King seconded Coun Hawkins.
64/19d Planning Applications Received
H04-0508-19 150 dwellings on land off Towndam Lane. Some misleading facts in the Design and Access statement regarding school and bus routes. Open space on development should be 14% of area but it appears to be a strip of land adjacent to the ditch. PC to once again reiterate to planning of the over-development in an area that is densely populated, with still concerns of drains not coping with additional sewerage.
Chair once again urged the public to make their objections known to South Holland Planning Department too. Request to be made of section 106 amount.
64/19e Allotments – ntr
64/19f Library
Back room – plans had been left with volunteers for their perusal and discussions.
Good response received regarding additional opening hours.
Coun Hawkins concerned no mention of receipt of audited account for VCS. Clerk confirmed these were part of correspondence on April Agenda.
Coun Baldwin – following sale of house next to toilets the post for fencing had been removed. Clerk to request South Holland to replace.
Coun Burdall -Car parking outside garage in Station Street making exiting from Malting Lane difficult. Spoken with PCSO Abbott’s who spoke with garage, car not taxed. Leaves it there as a deterrent from the water splashing on cars on forecourt.
Donington Fire Brigade has once again been awarded the Beacon Fire Station of Lincolnshire.
Coun Lovell – Northorpe Road gullies full again with mud. Request for road sweeper to attend. Coun King to request if that is something Tony Croft and his team can attend.
Coun Wray – drained blocked also in Northorpe Road
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 4th July 2019