February 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the remote meeting held on Thursday 4th February 2021
Present Couns Stanley, Burdall, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Robinson, Rollinson, L & R Wray, District Coun Walsh, County Coun Grocock, the press and a member of the public.
Mr Slater has been made aware of FixMyStreet and wonders if it should be made more public. Allowing residents the opportunity of reporting Highway problems and monitoring updates on what has been reported. To be put on Facebook.
Fireman had reported floods whilst on call outs, do we know where they were. Coun Stanley advised in Surfleet.
Donington Trails sign in the Market Place needs attention from water ingress.
13/21 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun Abbott
14/21 POLICE REPORT – nothing to report but advised the Lincs Alert is being closed down from the internet. Link is now ‘Nextdoor’ is the new way for information. Will forward link to Councillors and put on Facebook.
15/21 TO RECEIVE declaration of interest in accordance with the localism act 2011 none
16/21 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Burdall.
Passage near Chinese – no reply to ownership
Katherine Bunting from Chatterton’s says if the land is not registered the owner cannot be found.
Looking into surrounding titles to see if anyone has rights registered over it – it is £3 plus VAT per title, £3 plus VAT per title plan and £3 plus VAT per document obtained. The same LR fees apply if it does turn out to have a registered title in order to get copies of it.
Solicitors charge of £75. Coun Rollinson proposed should pursue matter. All agreed only way forward to prove ownership/right of way.
18/21 iDEA
No meetings at present. Received request as to when benches in park are to be moved, before moving looking into updating CCTV. Coun Lunn meeting with GB shortly to discuss.
Starting to book stalls for summer fayre on 6th June in the view of restrictions being lifted.
Annual accounts received, cost £500 less than last year.
Council payments authorised as per schedule including Land Registry costs
Prop Coun King seconded Coun Hawkins.
20/21 Library
Still closed but taking advice on whether can resume with some sort of service on a click and collect basis. Residents are hoping this can happen. LCC are keeping check on building. Volunteers go in each week to check library and replace window dressings.
21/21 Planning
Nothing received this month.
Details from Coun Grocock regarding the Queens Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Varying different events planned in District. To have as an agenda item to discuss whether it is something the village would wish to partake in.
L.I.V.E.S. requesting a donation due to the increase workload in assisting 999 calls. It was suggested that perhaps some equipment could be purchased instead of putting money in the big pot. Coun L Wray to look into varying differing items that could be purchased. District Couns may also be able to contribute when figures known. Perhaps local businesses could be included too. Red Cow Lockup – Tenant’s request of rent holiday with this lockdown as previously offered. Facebook says open anytime by appointment and internet trading is still an option. Agreed no holiday to be given at this time.
PL –pot hole on footpath near Holyrood Close – reported to Highways.
Towndam Lane subsided badly 50 yds from A152 – clerk to report to Highways.
Pond in Mill Lane is very high; water does not appear to be draining away as normal. Coun Rollinson and Lovell to look into and report to BSIDB
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 4th March 2021