June 2021 Minutes
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday 3rd June 2021 at the Church Hall
Present Cllrs Stanley, Abbott, Burdall, Lovell, Lunn, Robinson, a press representative and two members of the public.
Paul Slater gave update on Angling Club. Very good response received so far. Update also on weeding. Most of Market Place completed.
Has PC any thoughts on celebrations for the Jubilee next year? Preparations for VE day obviously had to be postponed but could these be used towards Jubilee. Jane Pearson advised she had received contributions from the District Councillors which South Holland did not have the facility to take back. Would check with Councillors that they agree for these monies to be passed to PC for Jubilee event. All agreed a good idea. Clerk suggested a sub-committee be made to the PC just for this event to help organise but to have no influence on any other business of the PC. Perhaps bringing on board some organisers from VE preparations.
52/21 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Cllrs Rollinson, Hawkins, King,
L & R Wray
53/21 POLICE REPORT – nothing received
55/21 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Cllr Lunn seconded Cllr Burdall.
Viking Link – request made for sign to be placed at top of Northorpe, ‘no traffic’
5 projects to consider, clerk had asked Amanda Seaton from South Holland if valid projects but no reply received.
1. Teen Park £5000 boundary fencing
Quotation for fencing to east of Teen Park £11430. £5000 grant already received from Wind Farm. £1000 pledged from District Cllrs King and Bingham. £430 from FF funds. Particularly required for Health and Safety to prevent accidents with dyke. Only part of the park left to fence to make completely secure. Applying for another £5000 grant but result will not be known until August. £5000 requested from 106 funds. £1800 already received for previous project
Following discussions agreed to wait to see if grant application was successful.
2. IDEA new CCTV system
GH security to tap into PC’s CCTV at Vanity Fayre £7120
GB additions to existing system with ducting and pole £7309. £5000 application for grant submitted. £1539 already received for previous project
Cllr Lunn once again reiterated that IDEA was initially part of a Compact which South Holland and the PC had signed and therefore had some responsibility for. It is an asset to the village. After discussions agreed to wait to see if grant application was successful.
3. PC Market Place wall £1200
To add 3 layers of brick and capping stones to provide additional seating area. £4700 already received for previous project.
Council Lovell felt this not a good idea, area should be flattened, and ground cover plants put in to stop youths and their bikes. Also suggested that perhaps contractors from Red Cow would be willing to do the work for good publicity. Chair to speak with Cllr King.
Agreed no funding to be given.
4. Donington Angling Club £720 for safety vests
Business plan showing projections of income and expenditure with a nett result
of £1858. Requesting £720 towards life jackets for juniors.
All agreed an ideal project and good to hear of response received. £720 to be donated. Proposed Cllr Stanley seconded Cllr Burdall.
5. Donington Litter Pickers £500 for equipment
With great works continuing, request for additional equipment of rings, gloves etc.
Clerk to ascertain the outcome of the idea from LCC for equipment to be located in the library. If other authorities not in agreement, would they be willing to fund equipment for Donington. If not £500 to be donated from the Bloom funds which currently stood at £996, with some form of records to be kept on when and where equipment is at any time. Propose Cllr Burdall seconded Cllr Stanley
58/21 IDEA
Compost bins were deteriorating and needed to be replaced.
Council payments authorised as per schedule
Prop Cllr Burdall seconded Cllr Stanley
60/21 LIBRARY – Ntr
H04-0501 21 Chestnut Avenue proposed extension two storey side extension
H04-0512-21 48 Gleed Avenue proposed two storey extension
H04-0585-21 6 Mill Lane proposed extension.
Email from resident asking what is happening with the Bowls Club as she would like to open a café. Advised PC haven’t decided what is to be done but it is not suitable for those purposes.
Request again from our tenant if PC would sell or lease the bowls club as car parking and storage due to loss of land from Red Cow development. PC say not at this moment.
Road Closure Church Street/Church Road.
Cllr L Wray advising that the Community Centre no longer require money from Section 106 as they were successful in a grant application. Should the funding be put to the village to see if any other deserving groups require assistance. Agenda for next meeting.
Meeting held in Church Hall as Ruby Hunt could not accommodate a day for 7p.m. meetings. Agreed to keep at Church Hall for the foreseeable future.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 1st July 2021