August 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th August Thursday 2021 at the Church Hall. 

Present Cllrs Stanley, Abbott, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Robinson, Rollinson, L & R Wray.  4 members of public and a press representative.

Mrs Pearson thanked PC for work in Churchyard.
Jubilee Celebration.  A meeting of the previous V.E. day celebration committee was held to discuss next years preparations and it was unanimously agreed the group would continue with the original members and not be under the ‘umbrella’ of the PC.  If the clerk is advised of any Government funding available pass to 
Mrs Pearson.
Mr Fleming asking if anything further had been done regarding white line on paving slabs of footpath to try and educate people to park correctly.  After a short discussion PC unfortunately advised that whatever efforts are made, it will not alleviate the problem.
Gemma Elsom, initial organiser of the litter pickers, asked if monies were forthcoming for equipment to help with weeds in the village as per previous requests.  This had been put to one side awaiting the decision of Lincolnshire County Council.

78/21 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Cllr Burdall and Dist Cllr Walsh

79/21 POLICE REPORT – nothing received but advised that PCSO Abbotts is no longer the Donington representative.  Now PCSO Paul Holland.


81/21 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Cllr Lovell pointed out the notes regarding the Market were incorrect.  Although Cllr Burdall suggested half rent for a period, she was not at meeting, to confirm  clerks’ notes.  As councillors could not confirm either way, Cllr Lovell asked that the minutes be amended to read rent to be suspended for three months.  This amendment made they were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.  Proposed Cllr Lunn seconded Cllr Hawkins.

Hold up planting trees in Flinders Park as BSIDB have restrictions on how close to a waterway trees can be planted.  Onsite meeting to be arranged, with Cllr Rollinson present.

83/21 TO DISCUSS SECTION 106 – Flinders Founders advised they had been successful in their grant application and that, together with assistance from District Councillor grants meant no section 106 monies required.
IDEA – quotes from both GB Security and GH Security similar with GB being more.  IDEA wish to continue with GB as owners of the CCTV in place at present. Grants already received so only £3300 required.
Cllr Rollinson proposed £3300 paid to IDEA for CCTV, seconded Cllr R Wray.
Cllr Lovell suggested, as money was to be used for maintaining open spaces could some be used to have Hunter Way cut back, pruned, and dying plants replaced.  Clerk to request quotation.
Cllr Rollinson also asked if clerk could ascertain other section 106 monies agreed with developers for properties in Donington and a breakdown of any expenditure at this time.
Cllr Rollinson still unhappy that Angling Club did not fall within criteria for monies.  Clerk reminded PC £1,000 is included in precept for donations.  Clerk to bring detailed financial projections to next meeting for discussion.  Agenda item for next meeting.

84/21 IDEA
Cllr Rollinson had previously offered greenhouse for use.  Cllr Lovell to tidy and clean out.

Council payments authorised as per schedule
Prop Cllr Lovell seconded Cllr King

Up and running almost as normal.

H04-0735-21 Adjacent 36 Quadring Road – proposed 7 dwellings

JS – request from Kitchen 1 if wooden tables could be permanently placed outside of café and a wind shield to guard them.  Pc objected request as would cause blockage for thorough way.  Existing metal ones are making holes in tarmac.  Cllr Lovell to speak to Kitchen 1
PL – advised Steve Harris, originator of weekend markets, was no longer to attend.  Important the stall holders were still checked for liability insurance.  Cllr Lovell to speak with Antoinette to take over responsibility of checking.
Reported whilst surface works had been carried out on Wykes, this had resulted in flooding as drain had been left full of soil.  Cllr King to question Highways.
JK in communication still regarding toilets.  Advised the Council that there are regular zoom meetings with Highways for her to report problems to them.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 2nd September 2021