January 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 4th January 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Rollinson Stanley and Wray. County Councillor Grocock, 4 members of public and press representative.
Owner of property adjacent to Red Cow concerned of the revised plans for the site. There is now to be a pair of semi-detached houses, and a removal of an existing wall that will leave his property exposed to onlookers. Had no objections to original plans but does these as it is now an invasion on his privacy. This rear projection is to be demolished by order of South Holland. Developers say will not be reinstated but will not be flats or apartments built there. Council to convey these concerns to planning.
Mr Fleming reports’ his and other residents’ disappointment of The British Legion closing. Council advised, not being Council property could have no say but would write to RBL Head Office to voice concerns of residents and request their future plans of the site.
1/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun Harrison.
2/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Stanley.
3/18 MATTERS ARISING – Gratton Environmental, revised quotation. Council agreed to employ for moles at £70 per month with weekly visits.
Still concerns regarding all day parking in Market Place, clerk to request legality of parking tickets and clamping. Could parking discs be made available from local shops for time limits.
Coun Lovell had met with Arb Core at Ash tree in Mill Lane. Clerk to request of Tree Officer if tree can be removed completely as roots are affecting the adjoining garage and will only continue to require attention. Works to cost £550 + VAT
4/18 IDEA
Considerable donations from Christmas Tree in Church.
Request towards costs of advertising information regarding IDEA and fund raising events. £2,00 approximately held in banke. Parish Council felt £500 a large amount for this purpose and asked if further information had been sought regarding financial audit. Have alternative quotations been requested? Perhaps request for financial assistance should not specifically identify advertising.
6/18A Old Cemetery – nothing to report
6/18B New Cemetery – awaiting quotation for new plinths. Overgrown Leylandi on one grave, Clerk to speak with relatives.
6/18C Finance - £41280.66
To Approve Precept. Finance Committee, having discussed budgets for coming year agreed Precept remain at £23k. With cut backs from Lincolnshire County Council and South Holland District Council, Coun Rollinson felt it should be increased, in view that District Council may be able to cap Precept requests in 2019. Coun Rollinson therefore proposed Precept set at £24k, seconded Coun King. All in agreement.
7/18 Allotments – ntr
8/18 Library water meter being monitored as bills appear high. Illuminated OPEN sign ordered. Volunteers requested defibrillator training.
Request from Voluntary Car Scheme for £750 again this year. Council had budgetted £375, Coun King agreed £375 again from her budget.
Coun Lunn asked if sets in Market Place could be painted to try and encourage car owners to park in alloted spaces.
Could there be a desinated area for cycles.
Reports of pot holes on A52 at Swaton.
Coun Lovell again complaining of cats eyes not being replaced following Highway works.
Coun King advised of the concerns that Brylaine are reducing many of their bus routes. L.C.C in discussion with Company. Coun King requesting Parish Council support any recommendations from LCC. Goun Grocock reiterated the importance of this.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 1st February 2018