April 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th April 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington. 

Present Couns Baldwin, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Marshall, Robinson, Stanley and Wray.  County Councillor Grocock, 3 members of the public and a press representative.  

27/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Couns Lunn and Rollinson and PCSO Abbotts,

28/18 POLICE REPORT – Two incidents reported concerning snow blocking on A52, Minor injury RTC in Towndam Lane, non-injury RTC Fen Road and burglary in Badgate Road.

29/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.  Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Hawkins.

Clerk requested Graham Palmer to look at fencing in Teen Park.

31/18 IDEA
Accounts complete, no meeting with Stephen Wright as yet.  Still problems with dogs in park, the Police are involved once again the dog is now biting people as well as other dogs.  Summer Fete organised for 3rd June.  Gill is completing a grant application for funding from the Co-Op.

32/18AOld Cemetery -  clean and tidy, gates to removed and painted next week.

32/18B New Cemetery –  clean and tidy, Veolia leaving bin at the end of the church pathway again.  Coun Stanley to monitor and advise clerk if this needs addressing again.

32/18C Finance  - £39112.00 year end accounts circulated, with a breakdown of March payments as per the request from Coun Marshall during clerk’s appraisal.
Library Account - £296.59
Library Investment - £5001.01
Red Cow Deposit - £1351.56
Christmas Account - £430.04
Agreed to be submitted to accountant
Prop Coun King seconded Coun Marshall

32/18D Planning Applications Received – none received this month

32/18E Allotments –  ntr

32/18F Library
Another recent successful event and three more organised.  The Library is the group being sponsored by Co-Op this month.  Co-Op also selling books on behalf of Library.

Best Kept Village competition, agreed to enter this year.
Request from the new ‘Donington In Bloom’ group if the £300 precepted could be donated to their group to help get them started.  There is still money in Donington In Bloom which they are prepared to pass over once a group has officially been formed.
DVCS – Coun Hawkins circulated figure for the car scheme, showing trips and charges made over the last 18 months.  Confirmation that non Donington residents pay the full amount to the drivers.  The money given by Parish Council and District Councillor subsidises only Donington residents.  Coun King to request again if Quadring and Gosberton Parish Councils would be willing to make a contribution towards the scheme. Even though bank account has fallen below £1,000 only once on the report, Coun Hawkins still felt justified in requesting the additional £250, which had been given by District Coun King.  Following much discussion with no agreement Chair suggested an agenda item next meeting.

Chair wished to thank Coun King for helping to reinstate bus route, with South Holland applying additional finance to the company.
Coun Stanley reporting once again pot holes on A52.  Coun Grocock confirmed these had been reported, as per communication with clerk.
Coun Marshall circulated pictures of surface water in South Drove, Quadring.  Verges need to be reduced for water to drain away.
Coun Lovell, confirming, following approval from South Holland that the tree at the pond can be totally felled, had checked with Mr Gilks who was in agreement.  To request Arb Core to deal with as soon as possible.
Suggesting that as the state of the public footpath from the cemetery to Northorpe Road, No 13 and 15 is so poor, could a couple of others be closed to alleviate funds for making this footpath usable all year.  Footpath from the old ‘phone box to join with No 13 and 15 and No 12 from Thorold’s corner to Days Lane are rarely used.
Coun Grocock asked if when reporting faults to Highways, clerk could copy him in.
Chair announced results of meeting with clerk following appraisal to be discussed in closed committee.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 3rd May 2018, AGM