February 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st Feb 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Harrison, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Stanley and Wray. County Councillor Grocock and a press representative
Before the meeting a minutes silence was held for District Councillor Robert Clark, who had recently died.
11/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun Rollinson
12/18 POLICE REPORT – warnings of white van thefts in neighbouring villages.
13/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Stanley, seconded Coun Wray.
14/18 IDEA – cost of audit continual concern. Parish Council still feel to dissolve Company and start the group again is the best way forward. Coun Lunn to forward original documents to clerk to assist with correct method.
15/18A Old Cemetery - gate still requires attention.
15/18B New Cemetery – quotation for 2 plinths in new cemetery, £1589. After discussion proposed Coun Stanley, seconded Coun Harrison to use Graham Palmer from the previous quote.
15/18C Finance -
Clerk advised there was now a Christmas committee very keen to continue with the Christmas Market.
Request from Voluntary Car Scheme for a further £250. Required as Brylaine had removed some local runs. Council agreed difficult for additional expenses so early in the new financial year. Dist. Coun King agreed to provide from her allowance.
15/18D Planning Coun King advised successful meeting with Mr Cole and developers regarding the adjoining wall to his property.
Applications Received
H04-0038-18 outline application for 9 home development to rear of 36 Quadring Road. Council to comment once again and over development of site.
Chair remarked how disappointing approval decision on Goxhill Avenue application where no property specifications had been given.
15/18E Allotments – ntr
15/18F Library almost second anniversary, letter from Parish Council of congratulations on their success.
Coun Stanley commented on litter picker, definitely has pride in his work.
Coun Lunn – Mrs Gisby in Church View Close asking if buddleia in Hunters Way could be cut back as they are encroaching over her fence. The area requires a tidy up before the new season. Clerk to speak with cemetery contractor.
Coun Hawkins – footbridge on footpath leading to Northorpe Road still broken.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 1st March 2018