July 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 5th July 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Stanley and Wray.
57/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun Rollinson, County Coun Grocock, the press and PCSO Abbots
Criminal Damage Days Lane
RTC Bicker Road
ASB X2 Station Street
Theft Days Lane
59/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Almond seconded Coun Wray.
LRSP – forms been returned with 10 sites now for Gareth to advise which he thinks will be best for safety and effectiveness.
CPM, a UK car park management company have put together a package they can offer. Week 1 they initially write to businesses introducing the scheme, week 2 install metal signs advising the public and week 3 commence the scheme. A five minute grace system will be given. CPM wardens will then offer a warning notice to any vehicle not adhering to restrictions. If a second offence, a £60 parking ticket will be issued. All self-funding from fines. There is no contractual period and we can give one months’ notice to have scheme removed.
Strong discussions took place and it was agreed the maximum period would be 3 hours, assisting with beauty treatments in the village. It was also suggested that the area affronting the wall be for a maximum of 1 hour. The restriction to be during the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Some disagreements within Council but the problem of parking has been discussed at great length for some time. Coun Baldwin was concerned that this action could alienate residents and businesses. As Coun Almond had used the problems with parking in the Market Place in her election campaign, she proposed the 1 hour and 3 hours restrictions. Seconded Coun Marshall. Show of hands was taken, 8 in favour, 1 against and 1 abstention.
62/18 .IDEA
Last meeting approved amendment to Articles of Association to be audit exempt. Quotes for future audits £850.
Coun Hawkins reminded the Parish Council that the concept of IDEA when originated in 2003 was for the Committee, Parish and District Councils to work together for a better environment. Residents need re-educating what IDEA is about and that more volunteers are required to carry on the works in the park and event organizing. Many residents are of the opinion that Parish Council runs the park and not volunteers. Volunteers are reducing and Parish Council has to be aware that they may have to assist financially in the future.
63/18A Old Cemetery - clean and tidy
63/18BNew Cemetery – clean and tidy
63/18C Finance - £51326.71
Prop Coun Stanley seconded Coun Wray
63/18D Planning Applications Received
H04-0584-18 – Donington Library retrospective replacement windows
H04-0586-18 Thomas Cowley High School – works to trees in conservation area
Planning Approvals
Jonnie Grants agricultural store
S. Hartfil, inglenook fireplace
63/18E Allotments – dry
63/18F Library – surveys being done to see if extra room and part of garden can be leased. Difficulty with differing heights of floors between the front and back of the building.
Community Speed Watch co-ordinator. Co--coordinating a recruitment drive for interested members of the community that would like to be involved in the scheme.
LCC – road closure, School Lane 22/7/18
Thank you letter from a resident for the good work of the litter picker and flowers in village again
Coun Stanley wall in Market Place not repaired
Coun Robinson – Royal British Legion is on Market. Can it be proven when ownership became RBL’s?
Coun Marshall any further with painting of bays in Market Place.
Coun Lunn SHDC surveying Red Cow for owners to make good.
Coun Almond requesting permission to tidy planter near Barnsdales and erect a plaque to the late District Councillor Robert Clarke. All in agreement.
Coun King Highways have viewed dyke in front of Flinders Teen Park
Coun Hawkins reiterating details of Alan Inns letter regarding Doctors in Donington. Ruby Hunt Centre is not large enough but he feels a co-ordinated group should look further into it, with District Councils, NHS and other interested parties.
GDPR for agenda item.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 2nd August 2017