August 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 2nd August 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington. 

Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson and Stanley 

66/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Couns Hawkins, Rollinson, Wray, County Councillor Grocock, PCSO Abbotts and the press.

Theft Towndam Lane
Burglary Station Street
Hare coursing Fen Road
We have had a few reports of youths being a nuisance in their vehicles. Eight vehicles have been identified and warning letter about their behaviour sent to them.

68/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.  Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Stanley.

Land Registry confirmed Royal British Legion Hall belonged to Royal British Legion.  Clerk to check with solicitors if this was a legal transaction.
CPM (Jason) - Car Park monitoring confirmation
Flinders Founders – confirmation from Margaret that Black Sluice are to dig up dyke but will reinstate.

70/18 IDEA
Quotation for replacement seats from Section 106 monies given to Coun Hawkins

71/18 GDPR With new legislation, clerk wanted Council to be aware of what information is held, why and why they all have a duty to protect that information.

72/18A Old Cemetery - clean and tidy.  Concerns that the house adjacent to the old cemetery is on the Market.  

72/18B New Cemetery – clean and tidy

72/18C Finance  - £49691.99
Approve payments as per report
Prop Coun Marshall seconded Coun Almond

72/18D Planning Applications Received 
H04-0710-18 24 Malting Lane, change of use from open space to domestic garden
H04-0707-18 33 Quadring Road, proposed single storey extension

72/18E Planning Approval
Proposed Ménage, Crossgate Farm

72/18F Allotments – very dry

72/18G Library – measurements being taken as SHDC Planning are demanding, following the refusal of retrospective planning application for PVC replacement windows, that they be replaced with wooden ones.  Council agreed a total waste of money.

Coun Grocock – LRSP are keen to work with South East Lincolnshire regarding speeding.  The three District Councils for the Moulton ward have decided to purchase speed guns for all of their parishes and thinks Couns King, Johnson and Wray should do the same.  None of the District Councillors were willing to donate to this project and none of the Parish Councillors were prepared to testing for speeding motorists.
Coun King had contacted Lloyds and although will continue, it does appear a fete accompli.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 6th September 2018