June 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 7th June 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Robinson, Stanley and Wray, District Councillor Wray, County Councillor Grocock, plus two representatives from East Peak Countryside Association.
2 representatives advised that Donington is highly likely to receive funding from the Lottery Heritage Fund and others. Matthew Flinders is ideal topic, i.e. museum and tourism. Also European monies where 100% of project will be granted. Council to think of projects which may utilise these funds.
Newly elected District Coun Sue Wray introduced herself and whilst she may not attend every meeting is always available if assistance required.
48/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Couns Marshall, Rollinson and PCSO Abbotts
Nuisance Neighbours Days Lane
Theft Heron Walk
Criminal Damage Park Lane
RTC Station Street and Park Lane
Theft Days Lane
Criminal Damage Market Place
50/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Stanley.
Footbridge leading from cemetery to Northorpe Road. Highways officer, came to look and left again. Clerk to request an update.
Coun Almond advised there are a number of companies that offer a warden service with no charge to the Parish Council. Some include signage. Clamping illegal but parking in excess of the legal limit is successful with fines. The Law is on the side of the land owner. It was agreed before any communications sent to business, clerk to request site assessment in order to ascertain how companies would operate.
In the meantime clerk to request a visit from the Parking Enforcement Officer.
53/18 IDEA Successful summer fayre.
Audit – Coun Lunn spoken with independent accountants, could be difficult to dissolve the Company due to the asset. IDEA and Parish Council agreement to remove annual audit requirements from the Articles of Association. Council agreed.
54/18A Old Cemetery - untidy as contractor had experience mechanical problems, will attend coming week.
54/18B New Cemetery – as old cemetery
54/18C Finance - £56980.50
Clerks, D Walters and P Lorimer wages and broadband
NALC Magazine £17.50
LALC – annual subscription £602.04
DGM – additional works £160.00
Anglian Water cemetery - £14.41
Donington in Bloom donation £300
AWH Services – cemetery gates £595.00
S Inns internal audit £40
BT – CCTV £186.48
DGM maintenance £900
Prop Coun King seconded Coun Wray
54/18D Planning Applications Received
H04-0484-18 – proposed extension 9 Church Lane
H04-0518-18 – erection 5 detached dwellings, off Quadring Road
H04-0519-18 – proposed manage Crossgate Farm House, Quadring Road
Disappointment that the Red Cow has gone back on the Market.
54/18E Planning Approvals
H04-0191-18 extension 40 Malting Lane
H04-0324-18 extension Bridge End Causeway
H04-0313-18 extension 23 Flinders Road.
54/18F Allotments – ntr
54/18G Library – negotiating with LCC regarding a back room and some of the garden. Would be additional meeting room with access through reference area. Utilise the £15,000 Capital grant monies.
Still no bank cards.
Confirmation that Parish Councils are exempt from the need of a DPO
Thank you letter from IDEA for £150 donation for Holbeach silver band
Invitation from Richard Davies, portfolio holder for Highways and Transport to join in a walk around to point out areas of concern in Donington. Coun King felt this was a poor time as it is in the school holiday, most of our transport problems being the school buses. Clerk to request if another date is possible.
Details of additional charges regarding legal work for Red Cow lock up Lease – to be discussed in committee.
Coun Stanley reported broken bricks in wall in Market Place. Weeds in Market Place are unsightly. Clerk to request litter picker if can clean kerbs.
Coun Lunn reported dog fouling along Hunter Way. Can a dog bin be placed at Gleed Avenue end of footpath?
Clerk advised correspondence from 2009 does indeed confirm that Section 106 monies are waiting to be spent in Donington. Clerk to ascertain if this money could be used towards parking in Donington.
Concerns of future of the British Legion Hall – clerk to investigate at what point it had been given to the British Legion as it was bought by the people of Donington
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 5th July 2018