March 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 19th March 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington. 

Present Couns Baldwin, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Rollinson and Stanley.  County Coun Grocock and a press representative.

17/18 APOLOGIES –were received and accepted from Coun Wray.

Mud on road Pinder Lane
RTC Northorpe Road
Theft Days Lane
Burglary Ing Drove
RTC Bicker Road
RTC High Street
Hare coursing A52 Bicker Road

19/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes.  Proposed Coun Lovell seconded Coun Stanley.

Graham Palmer is to do two plinths on the left of cemetery for £870 hopefully before the end of the month weather permitting
Highways have inspected bridge on footpath towards Northorpe, no update.
Lincs RSP have apologised for delays in surveys for speed signs.
DGM has tidied Hunter Way and cut back buddleia
Dave the litter picker is looking into painting sets and cleaning, rubbing down and repainting main cemetery gate on A52   Small entrance gate to cemetery is to be taken away, sandblasted and repainted, both gates being done thanks to a donation from District Councillor Johnson.
Solar Christmas lanterns, company have asked for some to be returned to check as they have not had this problem before and will compensate.

To be taken in committee.

10 Couns 5 – 3 against polling cards
2352 electorate 280 postal votes 
Councilor’s disappointed at the cost of the election, at the beginning of a new financial year with no precept arrangements made for £3500 cost.  Impact of cost to village which could be more wisely spent.  Pleased that democratically there are four candidates interested in becoming a councilor.
Clerk asked if Notice of Election can be annotated to confirm no voting cards will be issued but South Holland not happy to change details.
Notice therefore to be placed in all shops and Free Press.

Constitution says Donington Parish Council have to approve any amendments to them. 
Although clerk had looked into differing ways of ceasing the group and dissolving the company Coun Hawkins advised that Stephen Wright, Chair of IDEA, was willing to now meet to discuss the way forward.
Aggressive dog walker in Park.  Had been reported to Police as dog was attacking other dogs.  Situation now under control.

24/18A Old Cemetery - still problems with moles, Coun King to speak with contractor.

24/18B New Cemetery – Coun Stanley reported that in the snow a family were playing in the cemetery with their dog.  Signs to be placed at both gates stating not an area to exercise dogs. 
A couple of trees at the front of the churchyard had been missed in cutting back ivy.  Clerk to request contractor to cut back.

24/18C Finance  - £37895.65

24/18D Planning Application Received
H04-0134-18 erection of steel framed agricultural store Caythorpe Farm
H04-0145-18 roller shutter to front (retrospective)
H04-0191-18 extensions and alterations to 40 Malting Lane
H04-0167-18 extension to 100 Quadring Road
Observations that a site office is being erected in Towndam Lane without approval.  Coun Grocock to report.

24/18E Allotments –  ntr

24/18F Library
Clerk requested 3rd annual grant
LCC proposing to do works to back room.

DVCS accounts but only has income as donation and expenditure of insurance, not takings from customers or payments to drivers.  Coun Lunn to request more detailed accounts.
GDPR general data protection regulation – stringent rules regarding holding of data.  Parish councils need to be registered but companies should also have a DPO, Data Protection Officer.  It is being discussed at the moment that the DPO cannot be the same person that keeps the data, so clerks wouldn’t be able to hold the position.  NALC and LALC are still in discussion as like Donington in many parishes to have an additional officer would incur expense.  They are talking of whether neighbouring councils can hold the post but are still discussing what constitutes a DPO and what qualifications they need to hold.

LALC have named a person that is willing to be nominated by Parish councils to keep us within the letter of the law, other than that they are looking into a company that could be DPO for any interested parishes with a possible cost of £100 - £200 fee.

Coun Rollinson advised that the Environmental Agency has walked away from Boston Pumping Station. Appear to be more worried about properties and people.  The pumps have not been maintained for years.
Coun Stanley – dangerous pot holes on A52 going out of Donington.  Coun Grocock will report.
Mud on pathway leading out of Donington towards Quadring.  Farmers clean Highway but leave mud on pavements where children have to walk to school.  Coun Grocock to report.
Coun Marshall reported poor state of verges in Town Grove, Quadring.  Farm machinery is wider than roads now and when passing churn verges to a dangerous state.  Coun Grocock to report.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 5th April 2018