September 2018 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 6th September 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.

Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Hawkins, King, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Rollinson Stanley, Wray and twelve members of the public.


The public existed predominantly of business owners and employees complaining regarding the parking restrictions that are to be put on the Market Place. 3 hours is not sufficient time for beauty treatments and to allow shopping at the same time. It was agreed there was a parking problem in Donington but by restricting time in the Market Place is only moving the problem elsewhere, and will only get worsen with all new developments. 
Disappointed they were not consulted. Parking might improve if bays were marked better. Cars parking in front of Chinese cause obstructions for push and wheel chairs. Can bollard be moved to prevent this? Chemist felt that a space should be made available for their Pharmacist to park all day, but Council said this would set precedence. There are spaces behind Bargain Booze and in Red Cow Paddock, but these are out of the way and not well lit. Council reiterated it was trying to help the businesses by making room for potential customers. The matter was hotly debated for some time but having been approved at a previous Parish Council meeting, cannot be brought to the table again for six months.

Andy from DGM maintenance presented an update on his works. Having cleared the old part of the churchyard, suggested it should be done monthly to keep it tidy. Council agreed. Broken branch on boundary of new cemetery which requires attention. Moles still a problem. Council once again affirmed their gratification at the standard of work carried out.

There have been problems with parking in front of cemetery gates. Clerk ordered sign. He wonders if there should be ‘uneven surface’ warning signs in both cemeteries.

Edward Finch advised the Triton Knoll funding had been released and felt Donington should apply. Applications not yet available as panel has not been approved.

Nicola Burdall asked if yellow ‘zig-zag’ sign could be arranged for the primary school, enabling Police to enforce parking fines. Coun King to discuss at Governors meeting.

74/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from PCSO Abbotts,


RTC Station Street

RTC Market Place

RTC Church Street

76/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun King seconded Coun Stanley.


British Legion Hall – disappointed Royal British Legion are not willing to discuss whether they own the building or not. Proven they do own the land. Solicitor has advised that a covenant could be placed to stop the sale. 
Proposed Coun Rollinson seconded Coun King that Clerk has delegated powers to take legal advice up to £2,000.

78/18 IDEA

Not quorate at last meeting so nothing decided. Firework display 2nd November.


79/18A Old Cemetery - tidy, old part nicely cleared.

79/18B New Cemetery – tidy. Request for another memorial bench. Council agreed.

79/18C Finance - £44208.56

Council Payment Authorised as per report Prop Coun King seconded Coun Hawkins.

79/18D Planning Applications Received

H04-0762-18 121 Towndam Lane 1st floor extension and internal alterations – no objections

H04-0788-18 126 Quadring Road – raise garden room roof – further obtrusion for neighbouring property.

H04-0807-18 Church Street proposed residential development up to 8 dwellings – concerns of entrance to development being so close to the A52 on the already busy Church Street.

H04-0969-18 Westdale Cottage, Westdale Drove – extension and alteration and new access – no objections.

79/18E Allotments – dry

79/18F Library – LCC looking favourably on leasing the back room and garden of the library.


Clerk to report flooding between 7 and 16 Orchard Close.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 4th October 2018