November 2018 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 1st November 2018 at the Ruby Hunt Centre Donington.
Present Couns Baldwin, Almond, Hawkins, Lovell, Lunn, Marshall, Robinson, Rollinson Stanley, Wray, County Coun Grocock and 8 members of the public.
Business owners/employees had meeting to discuss objections to parking and proposals to put to Parish Council to change original decision. Document listing all points supplied to Council before meeting. Suggested existing stanchion be used with business owners holding keys to allow access. Yellow crossed marking to suggest no parking at all times. Remove blue bollards from in front of Chemist to give pharmacist a parking place. 600 signature petition against parking restrictions.
91/18 APOLOGIES were received and accepted from Coun King
92/18 DRAFT NOTES OF LAST MEETING – Were signed as a true copy, to become minutes. Proposed Coun Hawkins seconded Coun Lunn.
93/18 MATTERS ARISING – Highway defects reported. System of reporting is now much better with email updates.
Coun Lunn, being a business owner, declared an interest. Points made:
Comments well put.
Community need parking facilities so restrictions have to be made.
Enforcing restrictions made village attractive to outsider with the various facilities.
Parking could never be policed voluntarily.
80% businesses not affected by 3 hours restriction.
Having been a resolution of the July meeting, 7 Councillors had to request to rescind the decision before it can be discussed again. Coun Rollinson proposed to rescind resolution, show of hands showed 7. Agenda item for next meeting. Clerk to ascertain if proposals acceptable to parking company.
Coun Almond applauded group for their determination.
It was felt that one would be of more significance. Comments that £750 was a considerable amount. Coun Rollinson suggested, as it would not be time for this year, looking into a different option. Agenda item for next meeting,.
Clerk to look into alternatives, also to look into commercial sized poppies for village for future years.
Council split. Don’t hold events to advertise, but Facebook can be a connecting tool for village to see what is happening and why. Needs to be monitored daily and examined for any abusive comments. Differing thoughts on Facebook/Twitter, Facebook probably easier to track than Twitter. Twitter is more business-like. Agenda item for next meeting. Clerk to compare various options.
97/18 IDEA
Major meeting Monday 5th to discuss children’s play area and band stand.
98/18A Old Cemetery - fine
98/18B New Cemetery – fine
98/18C Finance - £46659.63
Council Payment Authorised as per report
Prop Coun Lovell seconded Coun Wray
98/18D Planning Applications Received
H04-1003-18 proposed two storey extension 35 Northorpe Road
H04-1009-18 proposed single extension Bridge Farm End Causeway
98/18E Planning Approvals
H04-0762-18 121 Towndam Lane
H04-0858-18 Westdale Cottage
H04-0807-18 Church Street, 8 dwelling development. Council disappointed that once again the decision disagreed with their comments. It appears planning have the inability to refuse applications. Local Plan 2011-2036, although 17 year plan, Donington will have their allocation built within 2 years.
98/18F Allotments – fine
98/18G Library
Scaffolding now erected for replacement windows.
Gosberton PC regarding 2nd hand speed camera
Cost £2221. In Dec 2016, they would like £1800 but that includes 6 brackets at £57 each and a new battery £160. All agreed as cheap to buy new one.
Coun Stanley - lights in Church Street
Coun Lovell – development in Towndam Lane has narrowed road by 3 feet.
Coun Grocock to put in an objection. To make sure that Ashwood Homes make good adjoin roads when works completed as construction traffic is having sever effects.
Coun Wray – in press that the construction of High Speed 2 rail link will have effect of exhuming many bodies, one of which may be Matthew Flinders. Clerk to write to relatives to request if he can come home to Donington.
Coun Rollinson – blue Peugeot still parking regularly in Church Street, blocking entrances. Can Police enforce anything?
Coun Lunn – fly tipping Quadring Road. Street light in Ash Court
Coun Marshall – Christmas trees this year in village, previous problems with some not keeping on lights at night. Debbie Hubb from Corner House will ask business if they are prepared to have trees and lights this year.
Coun Hawkins – Church Street parking still an accident waiting to happen. Clerk to request again if double yellow lines be extended around bend.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 6th December 2018